Tungsten Gold-Plated Coin for Company Anniversary Celebration

Company anniversary is the anniversary celebration of establishment of a company, which can highlight the company's good business management and style. The tungsten gold-plated coin for company anniversary celebration is adhering to commemorate the company anniversary as well as to promote the concept of the company. The surface of tungsten gold-plated coin is usually engraved with the name of the company, the date of the establishment or the company's management concept, etc.
Tungsten gold-plated coin for company anniversary celebration has a high cost-effective. It’s as beautiful as gold, but not as expensive as gold price. Besides, its texture is such similar to gold, but its wear resistance and corrosion resistance are better than fine gold coin. Thus, tungsten gold-plated coin is the obvious choice for commemorating the anniversary of the company anniversary celebration. Its unit weight can be customized from 1 gram to 50 grams.
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Gold-Plated Tungsten Alloy Bar
Gold-Plated Tungsten Alloy Coin